Ethical Management

  • What is Ethical Management?

    It refers to management activities that recognize the ethical responsibilities that a company must have as a member of society and take voluntary
    compliance with corporate ethics as a principle of conduct.
    In other words, it refers to management activities that prioritize ethical aspects when a conflict arises between the profit-seeking activities of a company
    or individual and corporate ethics.

    It is a concept that started from the recognition that unethical behavior may benefit a company right now, but it may endanger the company's
    long-term survival.

    SGO CO.,LTD.
    Philanthropic Responsibility
    Philanthropic Responsibility

    Corporations' voluntary
    performance of social responsibility
    (respect for humanity, fostering
    a spirit of cooperation)


    Responsibility to act in accordance
    with the interests or value standards
    of the company


    Responsibility to ensure that
    the company's operations are
    conducted within fair rules


    Responsibility to ensure that
    the company sells socially
    necessary services and creates
    results and profitability

    Ethical standard
    Responsibilities and
    Obligations to Customers
    We think and decide on all management activities from the customer's perspective, recognizing that customers
    are the reason and goal of the company's existence, and maximize customer benefits to gain firm trust from customers.
    Fair Competition and Trade Based on the principles of free competition and fair trade in the era of globalization, we respect the various laws
    and cultures of the region, secure competitive advantages through legitimate means, and build mutual trust
    and cooperative relationships through fair and transparent transactions.
    Responsibilities and
    Obligations to Members
    The company contributes to the development of the national economy through sound growth through rational
    business operations, protects the interests of shareholders, and contributes to the affluent lives of the people and
    social development.
    Code of Conduct for Members
    • We must recognize that you can prevent such unethical and illegal acts in advance by being faithful to your basic responsibilities.
    • If we discover unethical or illegal acts, we must report them to the management support team, which is
      the department in charge.
    • The member conduct principles are not rules of conduct that are enforced by others, but rather a promise to be
      practiced voluntarily by all SGO executives and employees who must always be mindful of and pay attention to unethical and illegal acts, and you must always strive to instill them in your consciousness as a life creed.
  • Ethical Management Center
    • Report
      • We accept reports of violations of the company's code of ethics, ethics implementation guidelines,
        and internal accounting management system.
      • If you have experienced or are aware of any unfair or unethical behavior by employees, please report it.
    • Subject of a report
      Acceptance of

      Acceptance of

      misappropriation of assets

      of assets

      Unfair trade

      Unfair trade

      Other ethical violations

      Other ethical

    • How to write a report
      • It must be described in as much detail as possible in accordance with the '5W1H'.
      • Please write the personal information of the subject of the report using their real name if possible.
        [Refer to the writing example]
      • Please describe in detail when, where, and what problems occurred in the case of a violation of ethics management.
        [Refer to the example of writing]
      • If you attach evidence such as photos or documents, it will be of great help in the investigation of the violation.
        (If the violation is clear but the evidence is insufficient, describe in detail the information acquisition route and the violation details to confirm the facts)
      • After receiving a report, the reporter will be provided with feedback on the progress of each step until the investigation is initiated and concluded, and the results can be checked on the 'Report Processing Results' page or through the response method (email or phone) selected by the reporter.
      • Example of creation
        • I met with your company's OOO for the △△△ delivery in '20XX and continued to have meals and play golf together.
          Then, OOO promised an exclusive deal and demanded money in return. 'I deposited 20 million won in cash into OOO's account on in 20XX, and two months later, I gave him a department store gift certificate worth 2 million won at a coffee shop.
          * Attachment: Deposit/withdrawal details, text message details, name of golf course, etc.
    • If the investigation is difficult
      • In cases where there are no specific facts or it is a guess or vague suspicion
      • In cases where the content is unclear and cannot be confirmed without the reporter's additional cooperation
      • In cases of simple complaints and inconveniences such as reports of unfriendly behavior,
        expressions of discomfort, and unilateral complaints
      • Requests for roles that exceed our legal authority
        (BP's non-payment of wages, non-payment of fees by subcontractors, etc.)
      • In cases where the case to be reported is in litigation
      • In the case of anonymous reports, if the content is not specific and the basis for the facts is unclear,
        an investigation may not be conducted.
    • Protection of informants
      • You will not be subject to any disadvantage or discrimination in your status due to making a legitimate report.
      • If you are subject to disadvantageous treatment due to reporting, you may request the ethics management department
        for correction and protection, and the ethics management department will take all measures to minimize the disadvantage.
      • The identity of the reporter and the content of the report will be kept strictly confidential so that they will not be disclosed against their will.
      • Those who cooperate with the investigation through statements, provision of materials, etc. during the fact-finding process for the report will also be equally protected.
      • If you have participated in an unethical or illegal act, but voluntarily reported the fact, the sanctions for that act may be reduced.
      • The reporter will not be forced to waive his or her legal rights during the reporting and resolution process.
    • How to report



      Organization in charge: ESG Manager Kim Se-hoon


    Consent to collecting personal information

    Personal information provided in this inquiry is managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, and the collected personal information such as name, email, company name, and inquiry content will be deleted after internal verification (company name). You may refuse to collect personal information, and there will be no disadvantage in doing so.

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